記録情報 - Scpapad
SCPA-EN-00081 "The Memetic Pandemic"

SCPA-EN-00081 "The Memetic Pandemic"


SCPA-EN-00081 Report

Item #: SCPA-EN-00081

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-00081 is to be contained within a standard Keter-class secure containment facility. All personnel assigned to SCPA-00081 must undergo a mandatory memetics screening prior to entry or exit of the containment area. Any personnel showing signs of exposure to SCPA-00081 are to be immediately quarantined and administered Class-A amnestics.

All research related to SCPA-00081 must be conducted remotely and may only be done by authorized personnel with Level 4 clearance or above. Any physical samples of SCPA-00081 must be immediately incinerated after testing. All documentation regarding SCPA-00081 must be subject to Level 4 clearance or above.

Should SCPA-00081 breach containment, all personnel located within the facility must self-terminate before exposing themselves to the public.

SCPA-00081 is a memetic virus which primarily infects human individuals, spreading via verbal and written communications. Individuals infected with SCPA-00081 will rapidly spread the virus to those around them through any means of communication, including electronic communications. SCPA-00081 is particularly lethal, with a survival rate of only 0.003%.

Individuals who come into contact with SCPA-00081 will become extremely aggressive and paranoid, causing them to lash out at others in a violent manner. SCPA-00081 will also severely degrade cognitive and motor functions, leading to eventual death within several hours.

Additional Information:
SCPA-00081 has been recorded twice, the first time in 19██ and the second in 20██. The Foundation is actively searching for a means of containment and destruction for SCPA-00081. At this time, there is no known cure for SCPA-00081 once an individual has been infected.

Containment Team Memo: SCPA-00081

O5 Directive: Memetic Hazard Protocols

Classification level:
Top Secret

Any personnel attempting to access SCPA-00081 without proper clearance will be immediately terminated. All communication with individuals located within the containment area must be conducted via electronic means only. All personnel must undergo mandatory memetics screenings within a 72 hour period prior to entering the containment area.

Record #:
Incident Report: SCPA-00081 Containment Breach

Dr. ████, Memetics Research Team Lead

O5-██, Site Command

Additional research into SCPA-EN-00081 "The Memetic Pandemic"

Additional research is underway...






This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.

The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.

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