SCPA-EN-00185 "The Inscrutable Entity of the Amorphous Abyss"
SCPA-EN-00185 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00185
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00185 is to be contained within a vacuum sealed containment chamber constructed of reinforced steel and concrete. The chamber should be kept under negative pressure to prevent any gases from escaping. No living organisms are to be introduced in the chamber as it may trigger SCPA-EN-00185's anomalous effects. All personnel entering the chamber must wear level 4 biohazard suits and be equipped with an oxygen mask. A remote operated robotic arm will be used to provide SCPA-EN-00185 with a sealed container of nutrients every 72 hours. A team of at least five (5) trained guards armed with stun guns will be positioned outside the chamber at all times.
SCPA-EN-00185 is an amorphous entity, composed of various types of organic tissue, that was discovered in the abyssal zone of the ocean. SCPA-EN-00185 is highly resistant to physical damage and its true motives, abilities and nature remain inscrutable to current scientific knowledge. The entity is capable of self-healing, rapid tissue growth and reproduction. SCPA-EN-00185 does not respond to any form of verbal, auditory or gestural communication. Core samples taken of the entity shows that SCPA-EN-00185 has the ability to incorporate any living organism into its genetic code, with unknown effects.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00185 has been detected to emit radiation, of which the type is unknown, that is highly dangerous to all forms of life. The longer an organism is exposed to the radiation, the higher the risk of genetic mutations and degeneration. SCPA-EN-00185's cell structure and DNA do not match any known species on Earth. SCPA-EN-00185 was discovered after a unmanned submarine was lost in the abyssal zone of the ocean. The rescue team sent to retrieve the lost sub detected SCPA-EN-00185 on their sonar, and upon lowering a camera to see what it was, observed SCPA-EN-00185 absorbing the sub and all its contents.
- SCPA-EN-00185 Containment Chamber Construction Plans
- Dr. ███████'s Research Notes on SCPA-EN-00185
- Incident Report SCPA-EN-00185-A
Classification level:
Top Secret
Due to SCPA-EN-00185's ability to incorporate any living organism, all personnel should maintain strict hygiene protocols and should be screened for any type of cancer or genetic abnormality before entering the containment facility. Any personnel who show signs of radiation poisoning or genetic mutations are to be immediately quarantined.
Record #:
Incident Report SCPA-EN-00185-A
Dr. ███████, Oceanic Anomaly Research Team
Site Director ████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00185 "The Inscrutable Entity of the Amorphous Abyss"
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2025/1/6 11:18
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