SCPA-EN-00055 "The Echo Chamber"
SCPA-EN-00055 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00055
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00055 is to be kept inside a soundproof containment chamber. No audio equipment or devices capable of audio playback are allowed inside the containment chamber or within a 20-meter radius. A single armed guard is to be stationed outside the chamber to ensure no unauthorized access takes place.
SCPA-EN-00055 is an anomalous phenomenon that manifests itself as a chamber constructed entirely of sound. It resembles a small, empty room that measures 3 meters in width, 4 meters in length, and 3 meters in height. SCPA-EN-00055 is capable of mimicking any sounds that are made within its containment chamber.
Anyone who stands inside SCPA-EN-00055 and makes a sound will hear an exact copy of the sound that they made, echoing back to them. Furthermore, if they continue to make sounds, those sounds will be added to the echoes, creating a feedback loop that increases in volume and intensity.
Continued exposure to the chamber can cause both auditory and psychological distress to the individuals within it, and hearing protection is strongly recommended.
Additional Information:
Attempts to analyze SCPA-EN-00055 have been inconclusive, as the sound waves generated by the chamber appear to defy conventional physics. SCPA-EN-00055 was recovered from an abandoned recording studio in █████, California after reports of numerous individuals experiencing auditory hallucinations and symptoms of severe anxiety in the area.
Document #SCPA-00055 Incident Log
Classification level:
Level 3
Personnel entering SCPA-EN-00055's containment chamber must wear full hearing protection at all times. Any sounds heard from SCPA-EN-00055 should be reported immediately to the site director.
Record #:
Document #SCPA-00055 Experiment Log
Dr. ███████
Site Director ██████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00055 "The Echo Chamber"
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2025/1/7 14:13
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
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