SCPA-EN-00069 "The Automaton Orchestra"
SCPA-EN-00069 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00069
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00069 is to be contained in a soundproof chamber at Site-██. The chamber in which SCPA-EN-00069 is contained must be fitted with a Faraday cage to prevent any external radio signals from affecting it. Access to SCPA-EN-00069 is restricted to Level 2 personnel and above, who must wear noise-canceling headphones while in its presence.
SCPA-EN-00069 appears to be a collection of 12 antique music boxes, each about 30 cm in height, arranged in a circular pattern. Each music box has a different color, made of lacquered wood, and intricate carvings on the surface. They appear to date back to the late 19th century. When activated through the specific sequence and combination of notes played on a piano keyboard located nearby, SCPA-EN-00069 will begin to play a hauntingly beautiful tune. After approximately one minute of playing, SCPA-EN-00069 will produce additional instruments in a matching color and playing in harmony with the existing melody. The instruments produced by SCPA-EN-00069 are unknown to existing musical instruments.
SCPA-EN-00069 cannot be stopped once it is activated, and any attempt to do so has resulted in unpredictable and often dangerous results.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00069 was recovered from an abandoned mansion in rural France. SCPA-EN-00069 was discovered among the possessions of a reclusive composer named ████ De La Haye, who reportedly spent the last years of his life working on it. Investigations into the composer's life showed no signs of malicious intent, nor any assistance from external parties in regards to SCPA-EN-00069. No other evidence of interest was recovered at the location.
SCPA-EN-00069's anomalous properties were discovered when a curious researcher activated SCPA-EN-00069 by accident and was subjected to various auditory hallucinations in the following weeks.
- Incident Report EN-000069-010: Researcher J█████'s accidental activation of SCPA-EN-00069.
- Experiment Log EN-000069-A: Various attempts to contain and test SCPA-EN-00069.
Classification level:
Any testing of SCPA-EN-00069 must be done remotely and using drones or robots. Personnel must not come into contact with SCPA-EN-00069 outside of approved testing situations.
Record #:
Experiment Log EN-000069-A
Researcher S██████
Dr. ████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00069 "The Automaton Orchestra"
Additional research is underway...
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