SCP-EN-00033 "The Infinitely Blooming Rose"
SCPA-EN-00033 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00033
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCPA-EN-00033 is to be contained within a standard botanical specimen container and kept within a secure locker at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00033 is restricted to Level 2 personnel and above. Any and all testing involving SCPA-EN-00033 must be documented.
Description: SCPA-EN-00033 is a small white rose plant, appearing to be in its late growth stages. The plant's most notable property is its ability to infinitely bloom all year round. The petals of SCPA-EN-00033 are devoid of any coloration and feel uncomfortably cold to the touch, even at warmer temperatures. The stem of SCPA-EN-00033 gives off a faint green glow from the leaves to the base of the stem. All attempts to water SCPA-EN-00033 have been unsuccessful as the water immediately is rejected and dispersed back into the air.
SCPA-EN-00033 first came to the attention of The Foundation in 20██ when a florist attempted to sell the plant to a noted Foundation employee. Upon realization of the plant's abnormal properties, the florist was given amnestics and SCPA-EN-00033 was relocated to Site-██.
Additional Information: SCPA-EN-00033's cold petals emit a scent that has been described as "indescribable" and have been shown to lower an individual's body temperature upon inhalation.
References: Testing logs are available upon request.
Classification Level: Top Secret
Notice: Due to the inability to water SCPA-EN-00033, any attempts to replicate SCPA-EN-00033's plant properties are strictly prohibited.
Record #: Experiment Log
Reporter: Dr. Amelia Carter
Approver: O5-██.
Additional research into SCP-EN-00033 "The Infinitely Blooming Rose"
Additional research is underway...
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