SCPA-EN-00206 "The Elastic Eater"
SCPA-EN-00206 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00206
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00206 is to be contained within a 5 meter by 5 meter by 5 meter reinforced steel room containing no less than ten (10) layers of Kevlar fabric layered with PVC panels surrounding the containment. The room is to be maintained at temperatures lower than 15°C to reduce the volume of the materials SCPA-EN-00206 can consume. Two (2) Class-D personnel on 8 hour shifts are to be present to periodically feed SCPA-EN-00206 raw materials from a safe distance using specialized tongs designed to withstand the SCPA-EN-00206 acid. In the event of a containment breach, a Level-3 or higher Senior Researchers will initiate Procedure 06-E to neutralize SCPA-EN-00206 via gaseous Formic Acid.
SCPA-EN-00206 is a predatory organism composed of an unknown composition, with the ability to stretch up to a distance of 8.2 meters while being able to consume any solid material, including inorganic materials such as metals, plastics and ceramics, with the exclusion of Kevlar and PVC. The object has the appearance of a black translucent spider with 8 tentacle-like legs with sharp edges that retract to the body after it finishes eating. SCPA-EN-00206 is capable of dislocating its shoulders in order to elongate the distance of its tentacles and is extremely proficient at slithering through small apertures or holes. SCPA-EN-00206 also excretes a highly acidic substance that is capable of dissolving the consumed materials into a paste-like substance which is ingested thereafter. SCPA-EN-00206 will consume so long as it is still growing; once its size and internal density has reached its maximum capacity (which has been observed in the past to be roughly equivalent to 5 times the initial volume), SCPA-EN-00206 will immobilize itself and progressively break down the consumed materials into white powder and subsequently go into dormancy mode.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00206 has been observed to be created from an unknown process, as there is no evidence suggesting a single ancestry via reproduction. SCPA-EN-00206 can self-replicate when reaching its maximum capacity in a spore-like manner, releasing a cloud of elastics petals. SCPA-EN-00206 is capable of self-replication up to nine (9) times before becoming obsolete. The process has been observed to be in response to certain stimuli, most notably the removal of outside source of matter for SCPA-EN-00206, such as metallic objects within its containment.
SCPA-EN-00206 was first discovered within a rural area near ███████. The growth rate of SCPA-EN-00206 is directly proportional to its consumption rate of solid materials, with further documented specimens growing up to 24 meters at their peak. SCPA-EN-00206 has exhibited an intelligence similar to that of an animal predator, but the extent of its intelligence is still under research.
- Incident Report 00206-A - Containment breach event with SCPA-EN-00206
- Experiment Log 00206-B - Test results on SCPA-EN-00206 reaction to various materials.
Classification level:
Top Secret
All personnel must wear a Class A Hazmat suit and keep their distance from SCPA-EN-00206's direction. All solid materials being used for research and containment must be regularly checked for consumption before and after use.
Record #:
Incident Report 00206-A
Dr. ██████
Site Director ████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00206 "The Elastic Eater"
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2025/1/4 04:55
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
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