SCPA-EN-00200: Contortionist's Curse - A phenomenon that causes individuals to become incredibly flexible and contort their bodies in unnatural ways, leading to severe physical harm and eventual death. The cause of this curse is currently unknown and is being researched by the SCP Foundation.
SCPA-EN-00200 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00200
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
Individuals affected by SCPA-EN-00200 are to be immediately quarantined and kept under observation at Site-██. The quarantine area must be thoroughly inspected for materials or objects that may enable an individual to contort their bodies beyond their natural capabilities. All incoming materials or objects intended for the affected individuals must be thoroughly inspected by Foundation agents before being allowed into the quarantine area. In addition, no direct contact is to be made between individuals affected by SCPA-EN-00200 and Foundation personnel without proper protective equipment.
SCPA-EN-00200 is a curse or phenomenon that causes individuals to become increasingly flexible and contort their bodies in unnatural and dangerous ways. The affected individuals exhibit a high degree of flexibility and can fold their bodies in ways beyond what a human body is naturally capable of. With time, the contorted positions become more severe, resulting in harsh physical strain on the individual's organs and bones, leading to death in a matter of days or weeks.
The cause of SCPA-EN-00200 is currently unknown, and the SCPA Foundation is conducting ongoing research to develop effective containment procedures and find a cure. Research indicates that the curse may originate from some external source or object, which allows the affected individual to achieve unnatural degrees of flexibility. However, there is currently no known cure, and methods to prevent individuals from becoming victims of the curse are still under investigation.
Additional Information:
Based on preliminary analysis of SCPA-EN-00200, it is hypothesized that the curse may be a result of some form of anomalous energy, radiation, or environmental contamination. It is also suspected that there may be an external source or object that functions as a "carrier" of the curse, enabling it to affect individuals in proximity to the source.
It should be noted that individuals affected by SCPA-EN-00200 are often unwilling or unable to control their bodily movements, and they experience intense agony as their bodies contort beyond their natural limits.
- Incident Report SCPA-EN-00200-01: First known case of SCPA-EN-00200 discovered in a small village in [REDACTED] County, [REDACTED].
- Research Log SCPA-EN-00200-02: Examination of affected individuals reveals increased levels of dexterity and flexibility and significant physical harm to organs and bodily structures.
- Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00200-03: Testing of suspected SCPA-EN-00200 carriers conducted to determine origins of the curse.
Classification level:
Top Secret
All Foundation personnel are advised to exercise extreme caution when dealing with SCPA-EN-00200. Any individuals exhibiting symptoms of the curse must be immediately quarantined and observed. No contact is to be made with affected individuals without proper protective equipment.
Record #:
Research Log SCPA-EN-00200-04
Dr. ███████, SCPA-EN-00200 Research Team
Site Director, Site-██.
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00200: Contortionist's Curse - A phenomenon that causes individuals to become incredibly flexible and contort their bodies in unnatural ways, leading to severe physical harm and eventual death. The cause of this curse is currently unknown and is being researched by the SCP Foundation.
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2025/1/26 08:19
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