SCPA-EN-00286 Time-Looping Hourglass
SCPA-EN-00286 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00286
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
Due to the nature of SCPA-EN-00286, containment is currently impossible. However, Foundation personnel should monitor the flow of time within a 5 km radius of SCPA-EN-00286 at all times in order to detect any temporal anomalies. Any detected individuals affected by SCPA-EN-00286 should undergo psychiatric evaluation and amnestics administered as necessary.
SCPA-EN-00286 appears to be an hourglass filled with reddish sand. It is approximately 20 cm tall and 10 cm in diameter. The sand flows through the hourglass at a continuous rate until it reaches the bottom, at which point the sand flows back to the top of the hourglass and starts over again, effectively creating a time loop.
Individuals who come into physical contact with SCPA-EN-00286 and observe the flow of the sand for more than 10 minutes will become trapped within the time loop, experiencing the same sequence of events repeatedly. The loop lasts for an undetermined length of time, with the individual's perception of time becoming increasingly distorted, and can only be broken by destroying or removing SCPA-EN-00286 from the loop. However, any attempt to do so will result in the individual being reset back to the beginning of the loop.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00286 was originally discovered in an antique shop in [REDACTED], France, after reports of multiple missing persons in the area. Investigation teams discovered the hourglass, which was traced back to the manufacturer [REDACTED]. According to records, the hourglass was reportedly cursed by an unknown individual and sold to an unsuspecting buyer. The hourglass later surfaced in various locations throughout Europe, with several individuals being affected by it.
- Experiment Log-00286: Analysis of SCPA-EN-00286's time loop properties
- Interview Log-00286-01: Interview with an individual affected by SCPA-EN-00286
- Incident Report-00286-A: [REDACTED]
Classification level:
Top Secret
All personnel are reminded to exercise extreme caution around SCPA-EN-00286. Any attempts to interfere with the flow of time caused by this object are strictly prohibited without proper authorization from a Level 4 personnel.
Record #:
Incident Report-00286-B
Dr. ████████
Site Director ████████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00286 Time-Looping Hourglass
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2025/1/8 01:43
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
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