記録情報 - Scpapad
SCPA-EN-00008 "The Chromatic Regenerator"

SCPA-EN-00008 "The Chromatic Regenerator"


SCPA-EN-00008 Report

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00008 is to be kept in a standard anomalous object containment locker at site-[REDACTED]. Personnel with level 3 clearance or higher are required to handle SCPA-EN-00008 with the aid of a remote-controlled robotic system. The robotic system is to be equipped with standard visual capture devices and armaments for defense.

SCPA-EN-00008 is a handheld device in the shape of a gun made of an unknown metal alloy. The device is colored in patterns that continuously oscillate between shades of blue, green, and purple. The device has a trigger button and a small display screen located on the back of the device that shows the remaining charge and status of the device. When the trigger button is pressed, SCPA-EN-00008 releases a pulse of energy that changes the atomic composition of the targeted object, breaking all chemical bonds and physically disintegrating the object. The field of effect from SCPA-EN-00008 extends for 2cm from the front of the device, and anything within this range is affected by the pulse. The effect radius will vary depending on the amount of energy used.

SCPA-EN-00008 has a recharge time of one hour, with the battery capacity of 10 pulses before needing to be recharged. The energy from SCPA-EN-00008 appears to be unlimited and has no known source.

Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00008 was found in the possession of [REDACTED] in [REDACTED]. The item was confiscated during a random search of a suspected anomalous object dealer. All attempts at reverse-engineering SCPA-EN-00008 have failed. SCPA-EN-00008 appears to be of alien origin due to its unique structure and energy properties.

Interview with [REDACTED]

Classification level:
Top Secret

Any unauthorized use of SCPA-EN-00008 is strictly prohibited. SCPA-EN-00008 must be used under strict supervision of the research team for scientific purposes only.

Record #:
Experiment Log


Site Director [REDACTED]

Additional research into SCPA-EN-00008 "The Chromatic Regenerator"

Additional research is underway...

Survey Date 2023/4/3 01:04

Upon conducting additional research into SCPA-EN-00008, it has been discovered that the energy released by the device does not simply disintegrate the targeted object but actually teleports it to an unknown location. The device has the ability to manipulate the fabric of space-time, allowing it to displace matter to another location within a certain range. The device's energy seems to be supplied by a miniature anomalous singularity within the device itself, which is currently not well understood.

Further testing on SCPA-EN-00008's energy capacity and range is ongoing, but it has already been noted that the amount of energy used will affect the size of the area that is teleported. The estimated maximum teleportation range is currently unknown, but caution must be exercised when handling SCPA-EN-00008. Any unreported usage of the device will be considered a breach of SCPA guidelines.

Considering the potential danger that SCPA-EN-00008 poses, a recommendation has been made to elevate its object class to Euclid. It has also been suggested that the device be further research, to ascertain its true origin and purpose.






This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.

The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.

The SCPA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use of this document.