SCPA-EN-00291 "Infinite Tapestry"
SCPA-EN-00291 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00291
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00291 is to be kept in a standard anomalous item locker at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00291 is restricted to Level-2 personnel and above, and any testing on SCPA-EN-00291 must be approved by the Site Director. SCPA-EN-00291 must be under constant surveillance via CCTV, and any unauthorized access must be reported immediately.
SCPA-EN-00291 is a tapestry measuring 1.8 meters by 2.2 meters, made of high-quality silk and displaying intricate, hand-woven patterns. The tapestry appears to be woven from an infinite amount of thread, with the patterns constantly changing and shifting. The threads forming the patterns on the tapestry are not visible to the naked eye, and cannot be discerned even under high-powered microscopes. SCPA-EN-00291 has shown no signs of wear or deterioration since its acquisition.
SCPA-EN-00291 is a memetic hazard. Any individual viewing SCPA-EN-00291 will experience a feeling of euphoria and calmness, accompanied by a desire to touch the tapestry. If the individual touches SCPA-EN-00291, they will experience a sense of detachment from reality and become completely absorbed in the tapestry, only responding to direct physical contact.
The individual becomes immobile and unresponsive during this "absorption" period, which ranges from a few seconds to several hours, depending on the subject. Reports indicate that many subjects experience vivid visual and auditory hallucinations during this state, often described as being "transported to another world." Upon "awakening" from this state, the subject will have no memory of the experience.
SCPA-EN-00291 was recovered from a private collector in ████, ███████, who claimed that the tapestry had been in his family's possession for generations. The collector had no knowledge of SCPA-EN-00291's anomalous properties and had merely kept it as a valuable family heirloom.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00291 was initially thought to be a harmless decorative artifact until reports of strange behavior among individuals viewing the tapestry were encountered. The object was subsequently secured by Foundation personnel and assigned Object Class: Safe.
Interview with civilians who have viewed SCPA-EN-00291.
Classification level:
Personnel are advised not to view SCPA-EN-00291 directly, and under no circumstances should they touch the tapestry.
Record #:
Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00291
Dr. Kathryn Lee, Researcher
Dr. Joseph Rhodes, Senior Researcher
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00291 "Infinite Tapestry"
Additional research is underway...
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