SCPA-EN-00007: The Mirror's Reflection
SCPA-EN-00007 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00007
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00007 is to be contained in a standard containment locker with no reflective surfaces within the chamber. Access to the SCPA-EN-00007 storage unit is limited to Level 3 personnel and above. Any testing must be done in a mirrored room with reinforced safety glass, and at least two personnel must be present at all times. Any personnel that report seeing their reflection inside SCPA-EN-00007 must go through a mandatory psychological evaluation.
SCPA-EN-00007 is a standard handheld mirror made of silver-plated brass in a circular shape with a black handle. When an individual views their reflection in SCPA-EN-00007, the reflection will move independently of the observer's movements. Observers have reported feeling anxious and disoriented after prolonged exposure to SCPA-EN-00007.
Furthermore, the reflection appears to be less symmetrical and distorted, showing signs of hostility towards the observer. The reflection also changes facial expressions depending on the observer's emotions. In rare cases, an observer's reflection has attempted to attack the observer, causing significant harm.
Additional Information:
In a recent test, an observer's reflection reportedly spoke in a different language than the observer. The language was later identified as Coptic, an Afro-Asiatic language used in ancient Egypt. The translation revealed the reflection was asking for help to escape SCPA-EN-00007. It is unclear how the reflection communicates, as neither observers nor cameras capture any sound. Testing is ongoing to determine if SCPA-EN-00007 has any cognitohazardous effects.
SCPA Foundation Document #52028, SCPA-EN-00007 testing log, SCPA-EN-00007 incident report.
Classification level:
Top Secret
All personnel are to wear reflective goggles when in the presence of SCPA-EN-00007. Under no circumstances are personnel to make direct eye contact with SCPA-EN-00007's reflection. If any personnel require psychological counselling due to SCPA-EN-00007 exposure, they must report to site medics immediately.
Record #:
SCPA Foundation Document #52026
Dr. Sarah Lee, Ph.D.
Site Director Johnson, Level 4 Security Clearance.
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00007: The Mirror's Reflection
Additional research is underway...
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