SCPA-EN-00262 "The Coalescent Sand"
SCPA-EN-00262 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00262
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00262 is to be contained in a standard storage locker and placed in a secure site. Staff entering the storage locker for any reason must wear full-body suits and respirators to prevent inhalation or physical contact with SCPA-EN-00262. No living organisms are allowed to be introduced to SCPA-EN-00262’s containment area, as it has been observed to be attracted to carbon-based living cells.
SCPA-EN-00262 is a sample of sand-type substance that displays a unique property in that it tends to coalesce or draw itself together as particles based on longitudinal waves shone upon it at a frequency of 267.711 Mhz. When subjected to such sound waves, SCPA-EN-00262 will move itself towards the wave source and coalesce, forming a solid mass that resembles a polished marble. SCPA-EN-00262 is non-Newtonian; it will resist deformation and yield only under strong stress or pressure. SCPA-EN-00262 has been found to have a chemical composition similar to a typical sand material.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00262 has been observed displaying limited sentience, as it will move towards sound waves, even if they are played at a low volume within the room. SCPA-EN-00262 also seems reactive towards human presence, causing it to move towards the presence and coalesce around the body. SCPA-EN-00262 has been found to be corrosive towards organic material like skin and bones, and it's advised to keep a safe distance between SCPA-EN-00262 and any living organism.
Document SCPA-EN-00262-A: "Audio Testing on SCPA-EN-00262"
Classification level:
Do not expose SCPA-EN-00262 to any other sound frequencies than those in Document SCPA-EN-00262-A. Any personnel that have been exposed to SCPA-EN-00262 must undergo full medical evaluation and quarantine for two weeks.
Record #:
Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00262-01
Dr. K. Maeda
Dr. J. Smith
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00262 "The Coalescent Sand"
Additional research is underway...
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