SCPA-EN-00170 "Whispering Winds"
SCPA-EN-00170 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00170
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00170 is to be contained within a soundproof, airtight containment unit at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00170 is restricted to Level 3 personnel or above, and all interactions with SCPA-EN-00170 must be recorded and reviewed by said personnel.
Personnel who are working with SCPA-EN-00170 must wear noise-cancelling ear plugs at all times, and any personnel who experience SCPA-EN-00170's anomalous effect must be immediately removed from the containment unit and replaced by another member of staff.
SCPA-EN-00170 should be stored in a climate-controlled environment to prevent the wax cylinders housed within SCPA-EN-00170 from deteriorating.
SCPA-EN-00170 is a gramophone produced by the Edison company in the early 20th century. SCPA-EN-00170 is made of cast iron and stands 83cm tall. SCPA-EN-00170 carries an internal horn, while the crank is located on the right-hand side.
When SCPA-EN-00170 is activated through the proper winding, it will begin playing a recording of a woman singing folk songs in an unknown European language. This recording has been identified as enka music originating from Japan in the late Meiji period. The vinyl record labels accompanying the wax recordings indicate that SCPA-EN-00170 has a total of seven cylinders, none of which are removable from SCPA-EN-00170's body.
SCPA-EN-00170's harmful effect manifests when any person within the sound of the music stops to listen. Listeners appear to succumb to an as-yet unexplained brand of hysteria, with reports of personnel collapsing, experiencing seizures, or self-inflicted wounds. Aside from hearing the music, this effect can happen through closed doors or walls, allowing SCPA-EN-00170's effect to permeate several meters away from its containment unit.
Additional Information:
Test logs indicate there is no safe distance to listen to SCPA-EN-00170 without succumbing to its anomalous effects. The gramophone was initially discovered at a Victorian mansion in ████, where police were alerted to a string of mysterious suicides. Local tales surrounding the mansion attributed the deaths to the haunted gramophone.
Interviews with surviving victims indicate that SCPA-EN-00170's effect was triggered by the foreign language used in the enka recordings. Initial trials to play SCPA-EN-00170 without the cylinders resulted in a lack of unusual effects, suggesting that the music itself is not what triggers the anomaly.
SCPA-EN-00170 has also resulted in three breaches: one during transport to Site-██, one during testing when the containment unit's air filtration system proved defective, and one when a D-Class personnel attempted to retrieve the recordings housed within SCPA-EN-00170.
- Incident Report SCPA-EN-00170-A: Breach during physical transport
- Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00170-B: Testing SCPA-EN-00170 without cylinders
- Incident Report SCPA-EN-00170-C: Containment breach caused by defective air filtration unit
- Incident Report SCPA-EN-00170-D: Containment breach caused by personnel retrieval of wax cylinders
Classification level:
Level 3
Personnel entering SCPA-EN-00170's containment unit must wear noise-cancelling ear plugs at all times. Any personnel experiencing SCPA-EN-00170's effects must be immediately removed from the containment unit and replaced by another member of staff.
Record #:
Test Log SCPA-EN-00170-B
Dr. ███
Dr. ████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00170 "Whispering Winds"
Additional research is underway...
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