SCPA-EN-00066 "Chrono Disruptor"
SCPA-EN-00066 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00066
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00066 is to be contained within a standard containment locker at Site-76. The locker is to be made of a material that can resist extreme temperatures and electromagnetic interference. All personnel coming into contact with SCPA-EN-00066 are to wear full-body protective suits made of a similar material. The locker is to be monitored for any temperature or electromagnetic fluctuations, and any changes in storage conditions are to be addressed immediately.
SCPA-EN-00066 appears to be a metallic sphere measuring 50 centimeters in diameter. It weighs approximately 145 kilograms and contains a large amount of machinery that appears to be related to quantum mechanics. SCPA-EN-00066 emits a low radiation signature that can be harmful to organic matter, and as such, all personnel handling SCPA-EN-00066 must wear protective gear.
SCPA-EN-00066 has the ability to disrupt the flow of time in a localized area. When activated, SCPA-EN-00066 will create a field that slows down time by up to 90%. Any object that enters this field experiences a significant time delay compared to objects outside the field. However, SCPA-EN-00066 appears to have a limited range of approximately 10 meters, and prolonged use may cause damage to the device itself.
Additional Information:
Initial testing of SCPA-EN-00066 discovered the device's unique time-altering properties, but also demonstrated that it is not capable of time travel. However, its potential use in research and development of time-based anomalies continues to be explored.
[Experiment Log-SCPA-EN-00066-1]
[Research Report-SCPA-EN-00066-2]
Classification level:
Level 3 (Secret)
The use of SCPA-EN-00066 in any experiments or testing must be approved by at least one Level 3 personnel. Direct physical contact with SCPA-EN-00066 must be avoided at all times, and only trained personnel are permitted to handle it.
Record #:
Incident Report-SCPA-EN-00066-1
Dr. Samantha Lee
Dr. James Wilson
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00066 "Chrono Disruptor"
Additional research is underway...
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