SCPA-EN-00224 "Chrono-Clock: Anomalous Timepiece"
SCPA-EN-00224 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00224
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00224 is to be kept in a secured locker within Site-██. The locker must be accessible only to personnel with Level 2 clearance or higher. The SCPA-EN-00224 may not be used until further notice from the Site Director.
SCPA-EN-00224 is a silver pocket watch with a diameter of 5 cm and a thickness of 2 cm. When SCPA-EN-00224 is opened, it displays two hands and a face with Roman numerals. The watch itself has no visible manufacturer marking or model number. The SCPA-EN-00224 is capable of manipulating the flow of time.
When the SCPA-EN-00224 is wound up and the hands are set to a specific time, it causes anything within a vicinity of 10 meters to experience time dilation. SCPA-EN-00224 affects objects and living beings in multiple ways, such as accelerating or decelerating the aging process or slowing down the movement of objects.
SCPA-EN-00224 can be used to manipulate time to an extent in a localized area, but it is unclear how far the effects propagate from the watch.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00224 was discovered in the possession of a wealthy antique collector in █████, Switzerland. The owner claimed that the watch was passed down through their family for generations and that they had no knowledge of its anomalous properties.
Further testing of the SCPA-EN-00224 is prohibited by order of the Site Director.
Interview with the collector who acquired SCPA-EN-00224: Document SCPA-EN-00224-01
Classification level:
Under no circumstances should SCPA-EN-00224 be used without explicit approval from the Site Director.
Record #:
Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00224-1
Dr. ███████
Site Director, Site-██
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00224 "Chrono-Clock: Anomalous Timepiece"
Additional research is underway...
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