SCPA-EN-00049 "The Cursed Nails"
SCPA-EN-00049 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00049
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00049 is to be contained in a standard anomalous item locker at Site-██. Access requests by personnel of Level 2 or higher are to be approved by at least 2 Level 3 personnel.
Any instances of SCPA-EN-00049-1 are to be contained in individual Class-C humanoid containment cells at Site-██. Cells are to be equipped with fully stocked basic amenity provisions, monitored at all times by no less than two (2) armed guards. All staff interacting with SCPA-EN-00049-1 are required to wear gloves and boots to minimize any direct physical contact.
SCPA-EN-00049-2 has been seized and is currently held in the custody of the Foundation.
SCPA-EN-00049 refers to a collection of rusty old nails, each measuring between 1.5 and 5 cm in length. Individually, they do not appear to possess any abnormal properties, aside from being coated in rust and dirt.
However, when a human comes into direct contact with the nails, they will begin to experience mild symptoms like headaches, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue. If the victim keeps the nails for an extended period of time (minimum 24 hours), they will experience vivid nightmares that manifest physically, causing harm to themselves and others.
These nightmares appear to be associated with the object's past; they involve torture, acts of brutality and betrayal, and other historical atrocities. Victims have reported dreaming of being impaled, while others have been witnessed clawing their own bodies in their sleep, as though attempting to scratch the nails from their skin. Disturbingly enough, the injuries and wounds that take place during the nightmares will match exactly where the nails pierced the victim's skin.
SCPA-EN-00049-1 refers to individuals who have come into contact with SCPA-EN-00049 and experienced the aforementioned symptoms. These individuals often show signs of mental instability, paranoia, and aggressive behaviour after exposure to SCPA-EN-00049.
SCPA-EN-00049-2 refers to the individual (believed to be of French origin) responsible for collecting and trafficking SCPA-EN-00049. Investigations have revealed that the nails were deliberately used for torture and other similar atrocities in the 14th and 15th century by a secret society called the Brotherhood of the Five Angels. Though their methods and motives remain largely unknown, their activities were believed to involve the use of SCPA-EN-00049 as a tool of dark magic.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00049 was discovered in a small antiques shop in Marseille, France, following reports of unusual and violent behaviour by the shop owner. When the Foundation investigated the store, they found SCPA-EN-00049 being sold alongside several other obscure artifacts, including a book of ancient spells (SCPA-EN-XXXX).
An interview with the shop owner revealed that SCPA-EN-00049, along with several other objects, were all sourced from the private collection of SCPA-EN-00049-2. SCPA-EN-00049-2 was then sought and brought into foundation custody.
SCPA-EN-00049-2 interview log
Classification level:
Classified - Level 3 Access Required
All personnel, including Class-D, are prohibited from coming into direct contact with SCPA-EN-00049. Any staff who come into contact with SCPA-EN-00049-1 are required to report their symptoms, mental state, and behaviour.
Any requests for sample analysis, testing or interaction with SCPA-EN-00049 must be thoroughly reviewed and carried out only with the approval of a Level 3 or higher senior researcher.
Record #:
Dr. ████████
Dr. ███████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00049 "The Cursed Nails"
Additional research is underway...
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