SCPA-EN-00164: The Chromatic Monolith
SCPA-EN-00164 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00164
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00164 is currently contained at Site-██ in a chamber measuring 20 meters square and 15 meters in height. The chamber is to be reinforced with a minimum of sixteen (16) centimeters of tungsten carbide armor, and be fitted with modular kinetic barriers. The door must be airtight and constructed of Inconel 718 or higher-grade steel.
Only personnel with Level 4 clearance or higher may enter the containment chamber, and must do so only upon receiving the express written permission of at least two (2) Level 4 personnel.
Researchers and scientific staff must wear full-body must wear redesigned Hazardous Material protection suits, featuring reinforced structures capable of protecting against the chromatic emissions released by SCPA-EN-00164.
The chamber must be monitored at all times by at least two (2) Level 3 personnel. Should any anomalous activity occur within SCPA-EN-00164, the chamber must be sealed and evacuated immediately until such time as the anomalous activity ceases.
SCPA-EN-00164 is a large, cuboid stone structure that is 12 meters in height, eight (8) meters wide, and weighs approximately 75 metric tonnes. The stone itself is made from a unique mineral with properties that are not found in any known natural substance. SCPA-EN-00164's surface is adorned with a number of brightly colored geometric shapes that appear to move and shift over time. It emits a significant amount of electromagnetic radiation in both the visible and non-visible spectra.
SCPA-EN-00164 is capable of generating a range of anomalous effluvia that are dangerous to human life. These effects manifest in various forms, but all are characterized by a sudden release of chromatic light or sound, often accompanied by intense vibrations.
SCPA-EN-00164 also appears to be able to generate a significant amount of radiation of unknown origin, which can cause mutations in exposed plant and animal life.
The object appears to have some form of consciousness, and has shown to be capable of communicating using unknown language and symbology.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00164 was recovered near ███████████, Utah, in 19██, after a string of anomalous chromatic events was recorded by the Foundation. The recovery team was able to safely ensnare the object after a brief struggle.
The object was initially classified as Euclid until it began exhibiting Keter-level containment issues, with its anomalous properties beginning to manifest more aggressively.
SCPA-EN-00164 was discovered to be responsible for a series of violent mutations in nearby wildlife and plant life, likely caused by its high levels of non-ionizing radiation.
[Document-EN-00164-EXP-01] "Experiments with SCPA-EN-00164"
[Document-EN-00164-001] "Interview with SCPA-EN-00164"
[Document-EN-00164-002] "Recovery of SCPA-EN-00164"
Classification level:
Top Secret
Due to the unpredictable nature of SCPA-EN-00164, all personnel working with SCPA-EN-00164 must be thoroughly briefed on containment procedures before entry. No personnel are to enter the containment chamber without a minimum of two (2) escorts and adequate protection.
Record #:
Incident Report EN-00164-001
Dr. ███████████
Site Director, Site-██
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00164: The Chromatic Monolith
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
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