SCPA-EN-00240 "Flower of the Void"
SCPA-EN-00240 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00240
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00240 is to be contained in a standard reinforced humanoid containment chamber at all times. The containment chamber must be situated at Site-███, and the surrounding area must be cleared of any plant life. The chamber must be kept constantly illuminated, as SCPA-00240 appears to thrive in darkness. The entrance to the chamber must be controlled by a mechanical airlock that requires a two-man entry team, three-class personnel or higher, and must be opened and sealed after each entry or exit. The entry team must wear a Class-C hazmat suit, with an additional armored vest, helmet, and night vision goggles. All personnel entering SCPA-00240's chamber must be decontaminated before and after entry, and all personnel must undergo a psychological evaluation before and after each entry into SCPA-00240's chamber.
SCPA-EN-00240 is to be kept in a state of permanent sedation to prevent its activation. Access to SCPA-00240 is strictly prohibited, except for authorized testing purposes under extremely controlled conditions with at least four-class personnel or higher.
SCPA-EN-00240 is a humanoid figure (hereafter designated SCPA-00240) that appears to be made entirely of floral material, including leaves, flowers, and vines. SCPA-00240 stands approximately 2 meters tall and weighs approximately 60kg. SCPA-00240 exhibits a form of anomaly that seems to be the result of genetic splicing conducted on an unknown number of plants connected to it, creating a new type of floral entity.
During its active phase, SCPA-00240 exhibits the ability to grow rapidly, creating an enormous amount of vegetation that spreads from its body. Moreover, SCPA-00240 can utilize this plant life to extend its reach and create appendages for manipulation or defensive purposes. SCPA-EN-00240 is a passive SCPA, with its active phase triggered by any living organism entering its range, detected to be within 5 meters. With each organism entering its range, SCPA-EN-00240's activity and strength increase.
SCPA-EN-00240 possesses regenerative abilities, healing from any damage inflicted upon it by re-absorbing nearby plant life or releasing stored energy before becoming fully dormant.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00240 was recovered from a botanical research facility in [REDACTED], after a containment breach caused by an experiment gone wrong. SCPA-EN-00240 was the result of multiple genetic experiments that involved the splicing of human DNA with plant life. The original human subjects are unknown, and it is presumed that multiple subjects were employed in the experiments. Personnel exposed to SCPA-EN-00240 frequently report experiencing auditory hallucinations and feelings of severe paranoia, depression, and anxiety. These effects continue to manifest even after exposure has ceased and, in extreme cases, have led to long term mental health issues, including suicidal tendencies.
SCPA-EN-00240 Experiment Log, Incident Report 00240-01
Classification level:
Classified as Top Secret
Any unauthorized access to SCPA-EN-00240 is strictly prohibited. Due to its regenerative effects and the psychological effects of SCPA-EN-00240 exposure, extreme caution is advised if conducting testing or experimenting with SCPA-EN-00240. Any personnel experiencing adverse psychological effects due to SCPA-EN-00240 exposure may be referred for immediate mental health assessment and treatment.
Record #:
Incident Report 00240-01
Dr. ███████, Senior Researcher
Dr. █████, Site Director
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00240 "Flower of the Void"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
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