SCPA-EN-00350 "Chrono-Collapse Watch"
SCPA-EN-00350 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00350
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00350 must be kept in a secure storage container at all times when not in use. Access to SCPA-EN-00350 is restricted to Level 3 personnel and above. When handling SCPA-EN-00350, personnel must wear gloves to prevent any contamination. Personnel are prohibited from using SCPA-EN-00350 for personal time travelling.
SCPA-EN-00350 is a wristwatch of unknown origin made from a black metallic alloy, measuring 42mm in diameter. It is non-anomalous in its appearance, with the exception of the hour and minute hands. The hour hand is always black and the minute hand is always blue, with both being dotted with white.
When SCPA-EN-00350 is put on, the wearer is granted the ability to time travel in bursts of approximately between thirty seconds and one minute, to any point in time within five years prior to the current time, with the exact duration of time travelled dependent on the position of the watch's hands.
However, for every use of SCPA-EN-00350, there is a 1% chance of chronokinetic collapse occurring. This will cause the user, and everything they have brought back through time with them or created while back in time to rapidly age, disintegrate or revert back to simpler states of matter.
Additional Information:
Attempts to turn SCPA-EN-00350 off have failed, and the device continues to run indefinitely. SCPA-EN-00350 was recovered from an abandoned basement of a commercial property in Jacksonville, Florida, where it was found among piles of scattered documents, old computer equipment and a number of other, unrelated time-crafting devises.
- Document SCPA-EN-00350-01 - "Analysis of SCPA-EN-00350's Mechanism"
- Document SCPA-EN-00350-02 - "Observational Report on SCPA-EN-00350's Experimental Use"
Classification level:
Personnel are reminded to report any anomalies or strange behaviours of SCPA-EN-00350 immediately. Unauthorized personal use of SCPA-EN-00350 is strictly prohibited and could result in a reprimand.
Record #:
Incident Report - 00350-C
Dr. ███████
Site Director ████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00350 "Chrono-Collapse Watch"
Additional research is underway...
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