SCPA-EN-00323 "The Fungal Infestation"
SCPA-EN-00323 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00323
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00323 is to be contained within SCPA-9822 at Site-19. All personnel entering SCPA-EN-00323’s containment chamber must wear standard biohazard suits and follow decontamination protocol upon exiting. Any instance of SCPA-EN-00323 found outside of SCPA-9822 must be collected and incinerated immediately.
SCPA-EN-00323 is a parasitic fungus capable of infecting most organic matter. SCPA-EN-00323 appears as a white, mold-like growth, and spreads through airborne spores. SCPA-EN-00323 exhibits extreme resilience and regenerative properties, being able to quickly recover from nearly any form of damage. SCPA-EN-00323 forms a symbiotic relationship with mammals, using them as hosts to grow and reproduce. Upon infecting an animal host, SCPA-EN-00323 modifies the host's mental and physical functions, eventually resulting in death as the host's body is fully overtaken by the fungus. SCPA-EN-00323 is capable of forming complex networks of root-like structures to connect multiple hosts, creating hive-mind-like structures with shared thoughts and consciousnesses.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00323 is highly infectious and extremely difficult to fully eradicate once it has infected an area. SCPA-EN-00323 was first discovered in a small village in ████████, where it infected the entire population within a matter of days. SCPA-EN-00323 was successfully contained by the SCPA Foundation with the help of local authorities, but several instances of SCPA-EN-00323 managed to escape containment and have been found in various locations around the world.
- Incident Report SCPA-EN-00323-01: First discovery and containment of SCPA-EN-00323
- Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00323-02: Tests on SCPA-EN-00323's resilience and infectiousness
- Containment Protocol SCPA-EN-00323-A: Procedure for containing SCPA-EN-00323
Classification level:
Top Secret
Personnel entering SCPA-EN-00323's containment chamber must follow all decontamination procedures and wear proper biohazard suits. Any instances of SCPA-EN-00323 found outside of SCPA-9822 must be dealt with immediately to prevent further spread of the fungus.
Record #:
Incident Report SCPA-EN-00323-01
Dr. ██████
Site Director ████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00323 "The Fungal Infestation"
Additional research is underway...
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