SCP-EN-00028 "Chrono-Cuckoo Clock"
SCPA-EN-00028 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00028
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00028 is to be contained in a standard Safe-class containment locker at Site-19. Access is restricted to level 2 personnel or higher only. The clock is to be kept wound and monitored regularly to ensure its proper function.
SCPA-EN-00028 is a cuckoo clock with a 24-hour face display. The clock is made of a combination of brass and wood and is decorated with symbols and numerals that do not correspond to any known language or numbering system. SCPA-EN-00028's primary anomalous property is its ability to manipulate time. Specifically, it can cause localized temporal anomalies within a ten-meter radius of the clock.
When SCPA-EN-00028's mechanism is activated, its pendulum swings at a rate three times faster than a standard clock, and its cuckoo call triggers a temporal dilation effect, where time appears to slow down or speed up within its vicinity. These effects become increasingly pronounced the longer the cuckoo call continues.
Individuals within the clock's radius of effect perceive time at a different rate than those outside the zone. The degree to which time is manipulated is proportional to an individual's proximity to SCPA-EN-00028. This can result in highly localized pockets of temporal distortion that vary in duration and effect.
Additional Information:
Testing has revealed the clock's anomalous properties are not limited to its cuckoo call but are part of its overall mechanism. When disassembled, the components no longer cause temporal anomalies.
SCPA-EN-00028 Experiment Log
Classification Level:
Level 3
The ability to manipulate time is an exceptionally powerful ability, and research into SCPA-EN-00028's capabilities must proceed with the highest degree of caution.
Record #:
Experiment Log - SCPA-EN-00028
Dr. Martin Lloyd
Dr. Marie Richards
Additional research into SCP-EN-00028 "Chrono-Cuckoo Clock"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
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