SCPA-EN-00147 "The Glimmering Veil"
SCPA-EN-00147 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00147
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00147 is to be contained in a site with at least a 3km distance from any human settlements. The perimeter of the site should be monitored by automated drones equipped with thermal scanners and motion detectors. Any attempt to approach or enter the site by unauthorized personnel should be met with lethal force. Any signs of activity or abnormal behaviour from SCPA-EN-00147 should be reported immediately to the site director and O5 command.
SCPA-EN-00147 is a patch of forest with an area of approximately 7 square kilometers in Northern Canada. The forest is covered in a thick layer of silver-white mist, which rendered visibility to zero. SCPA-EN-00147 emits an electromagnetic field with a frequency of 47 Hz, which fluctuates within a range of 5 Hz. When any living being comes in contact with the mist, they will experience a state of indescribable euphoria, causing them to disregard safety and reason, and walk towards the center of the patch.
At the center of SCPA-EN-00147, there is a portal-like object, designated SCPA-EN-00147-1. SCPA-EN-00147-1 is a 10-meter tall, semi-transparent elliptical structure, which gives off a dim green gleam. Any living creature that touches SCPA-EN-00147-1 will bow their head and walk into it, disappearing into unknown locations. After entering SCPA-EN-00147-1, the subject is considered to be lost, as no further signal from them has been recovered.
SCPA-EN-00147-1 seems to be a wormhole and can teleport living beings to different locations in time and space. The location of the destination is entirely unpredictable, and the portal can close and reopen at any moment. The only known way to reliably close SCPA-EN-00147-1 is by using a high-frequency pulse (35 Hz to 65 Hz) on the portal.
Additional Information:
The personnel who have entered SCPA-EN-00147 have never returned. Several D-class personnel have been sent in to test the effects of the SCPA, which resulted in permanent loss of the D-class personnel. Due to the unpredictable nature of SCPA-EN-00147, all attempts to obtain more samples and research on the anomaly were suspended.
Incident Report-EN-00147-1: On ██-██-20██, a group of tourists who were camping near SCPA-EN-00147 stumbled into the patch of forest. The tourists reported a bright light in the forest and disappeared without a trace. Foundation agents immediately secured the area but were unable to rescue the missing tourists.
Classification level:
Top Secret
Data expunged
Record #:
Incident Report-EN-00147-1
Dr. ████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00147 "The Glimmering Veil"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
The SCPA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use of this document.