SCPA-EN-00351 "Memory Disrupting Parasite"
SCPA-EN- 00351 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00351
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00351 must be contained in an area separated from all other SCPAs as a precaution. SCPA-EN-00351 is to be held in a standard containment chamber, and must be fed by Research Personnel with cats, which must be healthy and free from diseases. Researchers with level 2 clearance have the permission to experiment on SCPA-EN-00351 with in-vivo experimentation under proper biohazard rules.
SCPA-EN-00351 is a parasitic organism that reproduces inside the body of the host. The host of the SCPA-EN-00351 experiences memory loss due to the action of the organism on the host's brain. SCPA-EN-00351 is small and consists of six tentacles with tiny suction cups that enable it to attach to its host's skin. SCPA-EN-00351 buries itself deep into the host's body once attached, after which the organism then starts to produce its offspring. The offspring then move through the host's bloodstream, eventually settling in the brain. SCPA-EN-00351 reproduces and grows significantly faster in the brain, causing memory loss in the host.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00351 exhibits no effect on non-animal subjects. SCPA-EN-00351 may be destroyed with the use of alcohol, fire, or any strong toxin. SCPA-EN-00351 prefers cats and is most effective when attaching itself to them, in captivity. The offspring are too tiny to be discovered with ordinary scanning equipment, and there is no current technique to destroy them other than the methods previously stated.
SCPA-EN Database, Research Notes, Dr. ██████
Classification level:
Top Secret
Only Personnel with clearance level 1 and above are allowed to conduct an experiment on SCPA-EN-00351. In-vivo testing should be conducted solely by personnel with level 2 security clearance to lessen potential infection from the SCPA.
Record #:
Incident Report, Experiment Log
Dr. █████
Dr. ██████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00351 "Memory Disrupting Parasite"
Additional research is underway...
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