SCPA-EN-00106: Tunneler Parasite
SCPA-EN-00106 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00106
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00106 is to be contained within a sealed, airtight chamber equipped with an air purification system. The chamber should be kept at negative air pressure to prevent the spread of the parasite. Any contaminated objects or subjects are to be immediately quarantined and sterilized or terminated if necessary. The chamber is to be checked for any damage or breaches regularly to prevent the escape of SCPA-EN-00106. Personnel assigned to work with SCPA-EN-00106 must wear appropriate protective gear, including a full-body suit with a self-contained breathing apparatus.
SCPA-EN-00106 is a worm-like parasite that can infect a wide variety of hosts, including humans. The parasite can burrow through any organic and inorganic material at an alarming rate, making it a significant threat to any containment measures. SCPA-EN-00106 can infect hosts through several means, including direct physical contact or ingestion of contaminated substances. Once inside a host, the parasite begins to burrow through tissues, causing extensive damage to the host's internal organs. Infected hosts eventually succumb to massive internal injuries and die within a few hours.
The parasite's unique abilities make it incredibly elusive and challenging to contain. It grows at an alarming rate, making it difficult to track and control its spread. Due to its ability to burrow through inorganic matter, SCPA-EN-00106 can quickly penetrate containers and walls, making it a significant threat to any containment facility. SCPA-EN-00106 is highly adaptable and can survive in various environments, from acidic substances to extreme temperatures, making it resistant to most traditional termination methods.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00106 was first discovered in a remote village in [REDACTED], where it caused a massive outbreak that killed several hundred villagers. The parasite was contained after multiple attempts, and SCPA-EN-00106 was brought into Foundation custody for study and containment. Research is ongoing to understand SCPA-EN-00106's biology, behavior, and methods of reproduction.
- Incident Report SCPA-EN-00106-Alpha: Initial containment and discovery
- Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00106-Theta: Fumigation tests
Classification level:
Top Secret
Due to the highly contagious and dangerous nature of SCPA-EN-00106, all personnel working with or near the parasite must follow strict safety protocols. Failure to comply with safety protocols will result in immediate reprimand and potential termination. Any new information or observations regarding SCPA-EN-00106 must be immediately reported to site management.
Record #:
Incident Report SCPA-EN-00106-Alpha
Dr. [REDACTED], Senior Researcher
Site Director [REDACTED]
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00106: Tunneler Parasite
Additional research is underway...
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