SCPA-EN-00225 "The Amnesiac Virus"
SCPA-EN-00225 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00225
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00225 is to be contained in a specialized Class A biohazard containment unit located within Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00225 is strictly restricted to only Level 4 personnel or higher with proper inoculation of the viral strain. Containment protocols require a thorough screening process that follows the CDC and WHO (World Health Organization) guidelines for dealing with Level 4 viruses.
All research, experimentation or testing of SCPA-EN-00225 requires the prior written approval of at least two Level 4 personnel. When not in use, all samples are to be stored within a triple-sealed, vacuum-sealed container and stored within a secure compartment located at the center of the Class A containment unit.
Due to SCPA-EN-00225's potential to cause loss of personnel and classified information, all personnel involved in the handling of SCPA-EN-00225 must be given a dose of amnesiacs by a security specialist on their way out of the containment unit. This is to ensure that no personnel have accidental exposure to SCPA-EN-00225 and remember any sensitive information related to the virus.
SCPA-EN-00225 is a Level 4 biohazard virus, commonly referred to as "The Amnesiac Virus." SCPA-EN-00225 has an average incubation period of 7 days during which no symptoms are present in the host. After the incubation period, SCPA-EN-00225 begins to break down the host's memory faculties, effectively erasing the individual's long and short-term memory.
Once symptoms begin to manifest, the host becomes unable to recognize where they are and forgets their past life, including their names, family, and friends, which wreaks havoc on their lives. A notable aspect of SCPA-EN-00225 is that it affects solely human beings and cannot spread to other animals.
SCPA-EN-00225 is often deployed as a means of information suppression and espionage, particularly against political allegiances in security-sensitive areas. Although wiping of one's memory may be simpler than outright assassination or imprisonment, the downside of SCPA-EN-00225 is that the victims of the virus are rendered useless and must receive long-term psychological treatment, if not total isolation.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00225 was first discovered in ████████████, ███████, following the mysterious loss of several high-profile politicians and military officers. The Foundation intervened and contained the virus by developing a vaccine and conducting extensive research on its properties.
As of last month, there have been 4 accidental breaches of SCPA-EN-00225's containment. Each breach only involved a staggering loss of personnel, but the information that was leaked by the exposed personnel had lasting effects on the Foundation. As a result, the body count and potential impact of SCPA-EN-00225 are of great concern.
SCPA Foundation Document 00225 - "The Amnesiac Virus."
Classification level:
Top Secret
It is imperative that all personnel who enter the containment chamber for SCPA-EN-00225 undergo strict inoculation and decontamination procedures in line with CDC and WHO guidelines.
In the case of an accidental breach, all personnel who are exposed to SCPA-EN-00225 must receive an administration of Class-G amnesiacs by a Level 4 security personnel. This is necessary to ensure that no sensitive information is compromised.
Record #:
Incident Report - SCPA-EN-00225
Dr. ███████
Site Director ████████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00225 "The Amnesiac Virus"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
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