SCPA-EN-00212 "The Energetic Amulet"
SCPA-EN-00212 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00212
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00212 is to be stored in a secure locker in Site-19 at all times except for testing purposes. Access to SCPA-EN-00212 is granted only to personnel with Level 2 clearance or higher. When performing tests, personnel must wear Class-D personnel protective equipment and must be supervised by personnel with Level 3 clearance or higher. All tests must be authorized by at least two Level 4 personnel, who must also be present during all tests.
SCPA-EN-00212 is an amulet made of silver that is 3 cm in diameter. The amulet is carved with ancient symbols that have not been identified but appear to have originated from an ancient culture. SCPA-EN-00212 has the ability to increase the physical abilities of the subject who wears it.
Subjects who wear SCPA-EN-00212 experience an increase in strength, speed, and agility. Subjects consistently report feeling more energetic and having higher endurance. The exact limits of SCPA-EN-00212's effects on a subject's physical abilities are not yet known.
SCPA-EN-00212 was discovered in an archaeological dig in an undisclosed location. Its origins are unknown, but it is believed to be from a civilization that predates recorded history. SCPA-EN-00212 appears to be indestructible and shows no signs of degradation.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00212 should not be worn for an extended period. Long term use of SCPA-EN-00212 has been shown to have negative effects on the subject's health, including fatigue, dehydration, and muscle atrophy. In extreme cases, subjects can experience permanent damage to their muscles and organs.
SCPA Foundation personnel should refer to Document-00212-01 for additional information on SCPA-EN-00212's discovery and history.
Classification level:
Level 2
Personnel with Level 2 clearance or higher are reminded to handle SCPA-EN-00212 with care and to follow all containment procedures when handling and testing SCPA-EN-00212.
Record #:
Incident Report-00212-01
Dr. Smith, Researcher
Dr. Black, Site Director
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00212 "The Energetic Amulet"
Additional research is underway...
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