SCPA-EN-00009 "The Soundless Choir"
SCPA-EN-00009 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00009
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00009 is currently contained in a soundproofed chamber using noise-cancellation technology to negate any potential acoustic disturbances. The containment chamber must be monitored at all times to detect any breaches in the soundproofing, and any disturbances or anomalies must be reported immediately to the designated on-site personnel. Under no circumstances should SCPA-EN-00009 be exposed to any form of sound or noise.
SCPA-EN-00009 is a humanoid entity that produces an anomalous effect in which any surrounding sound waves are nullified within a certain radius. The affected area appears silent, causing communication equipment to malfunction and rendering attempts at verbal communication futile. SCPA-EN-00009 is approximately 2 meters in height and wears a worn and faded choir robe, suggesting a previously religious background. The entity does not appear to need sustenance or require sleep, and its anomalous effect is continuously active.
SCPA-EN-00009 was discovered in an abandoned church in a rural area. Upon discovery, all communication equipment and sound-producing devices within a 10-meter radius were found to be malfunctioning. When the containment team attempted to perform aural communication, the failure of the communication led to the suspicion of the existence of SCPA-EN-00009.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00009 produces a low-frequency humming sound as it moves, suggesting that the entity is sentient and maintains a homeostatic sound wave resonance to enable the nullification of sound waves. The entity does not appear to have any offensive capabilities; however, its effect is indiscriminate, and any sound-emitting device within the given area is rendered useless, including firearms.
SCPA-EN-00009 Incident Report, SCPA-EN-00009 Containment Procedures
Classification level:
Top Secret
Personnel must avoid approaching SCPA-EN-00009 under any circumstance, even with the appropriate soundproof outfits, as the nullification of sound waves even around any soundproof clothing can lead to a loss of orientation and visibility. Only authorized personnel with the necessary clearance level may enter the containment chamber.
Record #:
Experiment Log 00009-1, Incident Report 00009-2
Dr. ██████
Site Director ████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00009 "The Soundless Choir"
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2023/4/3 01:13
Upon further investigation, it was discovered that SCPA-EN-00009's anomalous effect extends beyond just the nullification of sound waves. It also disrupts electromagnetic waves, rendering electronic communication equipment and devices inoperative within the affected area. This effect was observed in testing with various electronic devices, including a smartphone and a wristwatch. It is recommended that all electronic devices brought into the containment chamber be checked for functionality beforehand.
Additionally, attempts were made to measure SCPA-EN-00009's brain activity, but it was found that its brain waves did not conform to any known patterns. Instead, the entity's brain activity appeared to resemble a low-frequency hum similar to the sound it produces while moving. Further research into the nature of this unique brain activity is recommended. In conclusion, SCPA-EN-00009's containment measures should be updated to include precautions against electromagnetic disturbances caused by its anomalous effect.
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
The SCPA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use of this document.