SCPA-EN-00181 "Deceptive Parasitic Organism"
SCPA-EN-00181 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00181
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00181 is to be contained in a specially designed, fully sealed chamber and monitored 24/7 by at least two armed guards. In the event of a breach, immediate lockdown is to be initiated, and all personnel in the vicinity must evacuate the area immediately. Until further notice, no tests are to be conducted on SCPA-EN-00181.
SCPA-EN-00181 is a microscopic parasitic organism that remains dormant until it comes into contact with warm-blooded organisms. SCPA-EN-00181 enters the host organism through any orifice, including the skin, and takes over the host's vital functions, causing slow and irreversible damage to the host's internal organs. SCPA-EN-00181 has the ability to manipulate the nervous system of the host, creating delusions and hallucinations, which endanger the safety of personnel and other living creatures in the vicinity.
Additional Information:
The first documented case of SCPA-EN-00181 contamination was in a remote village in the Amazon rainforest, where it infected and killed nearly the entire population. Researchers believe that this parasite exists globally and is harbored in a wide range of species, including humans. However, to date, no treatment or cure for SCPA-EN-00181 infection has been discovered.
SCPA Foundation Research Team-EN-00181 "Deceptive Parasitic Organism: An Ultimate Killer"
Classification level:
Top Secret
Due to the parasitic nature of SCPA-EN-00181 and the risk it poses to living organisms, all personnel must undergo pre-containment decontamination thoroughly. All personnel permitted to be in contact with SCPA-EN-00181 must wear full-body biohazard suits equipped with breathing apparatus. Any breaches in the containment protocol may have severe consequences and should be reported immediately.
Record #:
Incident Report SCPA-EN-00181
Dr. ██████, Senior Researcher of the Biohazard Containment Unit
Dr. ███████, Head of the Biological Anomaly Research Department
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00181 "Deceptive Parasitic Organism"
Additional research is underway...
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