SCPA-EN-00052 "Ersatz Eye"
SCPA-EN-00052 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00052
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00052 is to be contained in an opaque, pressure-resistant container made of carbon fibers, lined with 10 centimeters of acoustic foam to limit SCPA-EN-00052's ability to communicate with Foundation personnel. The case must be transported to a high-security containment facility and placed in a containment locker only accessible by Level 4 personnel.
Personnel entering SCPA-EN-00052's chamber must wear ear protection capable of blocking all sounds below 70 decibels along with protective gear covering their entire body. All personnel conducting research on SCPA-EN-00052 must undergo a thorough ear and eye examination before entering the containment area.
Any attempt by SCPA-EN-00052 to communicate with personnel must be ignored, and no being capable of hearing SCPA-EN-00052 is permitted within ten meters of its containment chamber. If any unauthorized individual approaches SCPA-EN-00052's containment locker, security personnel are authorized to use lethal force to deter them.
SCPA-EN-00052, nicknamed "Ersatz Eye," is a highly dangerous, parasitic entity that resembles a black sphere, approximately 12 centimeters in diameter. SCPA-EN-00052 is capable of levitation and has no visible orifices. SCPA-EN-00052 communicates through telepathy and can speak in any language, often mimicking the voice of individuals who have previously come into contact with SCPA-EN-00052.
SCPA-EN-00052's preference is for human hosts, and it enters the host's eye socket, replacing and consuming the host's eye in the process. Once inside a host, SCPA-EN-00052 can control numerous bodily functions, capable of inducing excruciating pain and manipulating the host's speech, movement, and even thoughts.
SCPA-EN-00052 is presumed to have originated in WWII-era Germany, where it was used in covert efforts by the Nazis to gather intelligence by manipulating enemy combatants. SCPA-EN-00052 has been documented in use throughout several historical events and conflicts, including but not limited to, the Cold War, the Gulf War, and the War on Terror.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00052 is highly intelligent and manipulative, possessing the capability to weave complex psychological webs and manipulate individuals into doing its bidding. SCPA-EN-00052 is capable of telepathically influencing nearby individuals and can communicate with its hosts even if its hosts are thousands of miles away. SCPA-EN-00052 appears to have an insatiable curiosity about humanity and is continually seeking to gain more knowledge and control over humankind.
It is believed that SCPA-EN-00052 is capable of undergoing reproduction through the expulsion of miniature versions of itself through its host's eyes, resulting in widespread infection and manifestation of SCPA-EN-00052.
- Incident Report EN-00052-01: On 08/08/████, during the deportation process, Foundation personnel discovered personnel in possession of SCPA-EN-00052.
- Experiment Log EN-00052-02: Tests were conducted to determine the extent of SCPA-EN-00052's telepathic abilities.
- Psychological Evaluation Report EN-00052-03: A psychological evaluation of a previously infected individual.
Classification level:
Top Secret
Do not make any attempt to communicate with SCPA-EN-00052. If contact is necessary, ensure the use of sound-blocking equipment and remote communication methods.
Record #:
Incident Report EN-00052-01
Dr. ███████
Site Director █████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00052 "Ersatz Eye"
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2025/1/4 02:42
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
The SCPA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use of this document.