SCPA-EN-00059: The Chrono Crystals - Anomalous Time-Related Gemstones.
SCPA-EN-00059 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00059
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
The Chrono Crystals are to be kept in a locked, reinforced, glass container in a secure facility under constant surveillance. The facility should be equipped with a backup power source capable of providing power for at least 48 hours. Access to the storage area is restricted to Level-3 personnel or higher, and all individuals entering the area must pass a thorough time-based security screening to ensure that they have not been affected by the anomalies. Any exposure to SCPA-EN-00059 should be reported immediately to the lead researcher.
SCPA-EN-00059 refers to a set of anomalous gemstones collectively called the Chrono Crystals. The gemstones all possess unique time-related properties and abilities that can have various effects on their surroundings. The properties are:
- Accelerator: A green gemstone that speeds up time within a certain radius when activated.
- Decelerator: A blue gemstone that slows down time within a certain radius when activated.
- Reverser: A red gemstone that can reverse the flow of time within an area for a limited time when activated.
- Stabilizer: A yellow gemstone that can prevent time-related anomalies within a certain range when activated.
- Extractor: A purple gemstone that can extract or remove a specific event from a certain point in time when activated.
The gems are incredibly powerful and require specific knowledge to use without causing catastrophic effects. In the wrong hands or used irresponsibly, they could irreversibly damage the timeline.
Additional Information:
The gems were discovered in a remote cave system in [REDACTED], Russia, in 19[REDACTED]. Little is known about the original owners or their reasons for possessing the gemstones.
Due to the inherent danger and potency of the Chrono Crystals, they have been designated a top-priority research subject for the Foundation. An official task force has been set up, tasked with monitoring and studying the properties of the stones and their effects on space-time.
SCPA Foundation Data Analysis Report: SCPA-EN-00059
Classification level:
Top Secret
As mentioned above, the abilities of the Chrono Crystals pose a significant threat to the fabric of reality if not used correctly. The Foundation urges anyone who encounters the Chrono Crystals to immediately report their location and contact the Foundation for assistance.
Record #:
Chrono Crystal Experiment Logs
Dr. [REDACTED], Researcher at Site-[REDACTED]
Dr. [REDACTED], Senior Researcher at Site-[REDACTED]
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00059: The Chrono Crystals - Anomalous Time-Related Gemstones.
Additional research is underway...
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