SCPA-EN-00229 "Chrono Chameleon"
SCPA-EN-00229 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00229
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00229 is to be contained in a standard locker at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00229 must be granted by Level 2 personnel or above for research and testing purposes only. When handling SCPA-EN-00229, personnel should be equipped with gloves to prevent accidental activation.
SCPA-EN-00229 is a pocket watch that has the ability to manipulate time. When the button located on the side of the watch is pressed, the user will be able to move forward or backward in time. The effect is limited to the user's immediate surroundings, and does not affect the larger timeline.
When the button is pressed, SCPA-EN-00229 will emit a low humming sound, and the user will be able to perceive the passage of time at an increased rate. The user should be warned that the effects of time travel can cause physical and mental strain. Repeated use of SCPA-EN-00229 has been known to cause disorientation, fatigue and memory loss.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00229 was recovered from the estate of the late Professor Gerald ███████, a renowned physicist and researcher in the field of time manipulation. It is believed that Professor ███████ created SCPA-EN-00229 during his time at the Foundation, using knowledge gained from researching other time-manipulating SCPAs.
Due to the potential for misuse, experimentation on SCPA-EN-00229 is restricted to a small group of Level 3 personnel, who are required to maintain detailed logs of their findings, including any side effects or consequences of time travel performed using SCPA-EN-00229.
Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00229-A
Classification level:
Top Secret
SCPA-EN-00229 is extremely dangerous if not handled carefully. Personnel should only use SCPA-EN-00229 for research and testing purposes. Any unauthorized use of SCPA-EN-00229 will result in disciplinary action.
Record #:
Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00229-A
Dr. ██████
Site Director ████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00229 "Chrono Chameleon"
Additional research is underway...
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