SCPA-EN-00129 "Sentient Lightning Rod"
SCPA-EN-00129 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00129
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCPA-EN-00129 is to be kept in a standard Safe-class containment locker at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00129 is restricted to Level 2 personnel and above, who must be equipped with non-conductive gloves and boots when handling SCPA-EN-00129. All testing must be conducted within a Faraday cage.
Description: SCPA-EN-00129 is a lightning rod that has been imbued with a sentient entity. The entity appears to be a bright, blue-white light that hovers around SCPA-EN-00129. The entity is capable of communicating with human individuals via vocalization, although it is only capable of expressing its emotions, rather than complex ideas.
SCPA-EN-00129 is capable of generating and conducting electricity, and is known to actively absorb lightning strikes when presented with the opportunity, provided it has not been overloaded. SCPA-EN-00129's electric output is directly tied to the current attitude and emotional state of the entity contained within it. When calm, SCPA-EN-00129's output will be steady and consistent, whereas when agitated, SCPA-EN-00129's output will become erratic and potentially dangerous.
SCPA-EN-00129's anomalous properties only manifest when it is connected to a conductive surface, such as a metal roof or flagpole. When connected in this way, SCPA-EN-00129 is capable of absorbing and storing electrical energy, which it can then discharge in a controlled manner.
Additional Information: SCPA-EN-00129 was first discovered by a team of Foundation researchers investigating a string of bizarre lightning strikes that had occurred in a small town in Kansas. The entity contained within SCPA-EN-00129 was discovered soon after, communicating with local residents and attempting to charge itself for the first time.
Attempts to communicate with SCPA-EN-00129 have been mostly unsuccessful, with the entity generally resistant to questions about its origins or motivations. Researchers are currently unable to determine whether SCPA-EN-00129 is a natural occurrence or a result of artificial meddling.
Incident Report 00129-Alpha: On ██/██/17, a Level 2 researcher attempted to test SCPA-EN-00129's limit by placing it in a Faraday Cage and subsequently overloading it. This resulted in a containment breach, with one researcher suffering from moderate electrical burns.
Experiment Log 00129-Beta: A series of tests conducted to determine the effect of SCPA-EN-00129's emotional state on its electrical output. Results show clear correlation between SCPA-EN-00129's emotional stress levels and its electrical output.
Classification level: Level 2
Notice: Personnel are reminded to exercise caution when handling SCPA-EN-00129. In the event of the object becoming agitated, all personnel are advised to vacate the area immediately.
Record #: Incident Report 00129-Alpha
Reporter: Dr. ████
Approver: Site Director, Site-██.
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00129 "Sentient Lightning Rod"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
The SCPA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use of this document.