SCPA-EN-00205 "The Luminous Parasite"
SCPA-EN-00205 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00205
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00205 is to be contained in a standard Euclid-class containment chamber at Site-██. Its containment chamber must remain devoid of all organic material and be regularly bathed in UV light in order to prevent SCPA-EN-00205 from reproducing. Any personnel entering SCPA-EN-00205’s containment chamber must wear a Class A hazmat suit and submit to a full body scan before and after exiting the chamber.
SCPA-EN-00205 is an unidentified parasitic organism with highly bioluminescent properties. SCPA-EN-00205 measures approximately 5 cm in length and is translucent with an elongated, worm-shaped body. Its body is highly flexible and can easily contort itself to fit through small openings. SCPA-EN-00205 feeds off of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by mammalian brains while simultaneously emitting its own bioluminescent glow.
If SCPA-EN-00205 successfully establishes parasitic contact with the brain of any mammalian organism, it will begin to reproduce at an alarming rate. SCPA-EN-00205’s offspring will cause an overproduction of serotonin in the host’s brain, inducing a state of extreme euphoria in the host. The host will then become highly susceptible to SCPA-EN-00205’s control and will follow any instructions given to it by the parasite.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00205 was discovered in the Amazon Rainforest after several reports of a glowing worm-like organism infecting local wildlife. After extensive research, it was discovered that SCPA-EN-00205 had the ability to infect human hosts as well. Several test subjects were infected and put under the control of SCPA-EN-00205 temporarily before being successfully treated with amnestics.
- Incident Report SCPA-EN-00205-45
- Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00205-89
- Research Notes SCPA-EN-00205-172
Classification level:
Due to the highly infectious nature of SCPA-EN-00205, any personnel entering SCPA-EN-00205’s containment chamber must follow strict hazmat protocol.
Record #:
Research Notes SCPA-EN-00205-172
Dr. ████ ███████
Site Director ██████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00205 "The Luminous Parasite"
Additional research is underway...
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