SCPA-EN-00355 "The Cryptic Key: Anomalous Artifact with Multiple Access Levels"
SCPA-EN-00355 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00355
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00355 is to be kept in a standard anomalous object containment locker at Site-██. Access to SCPA-EN-00355 is restricted to personnel with Level 2 clearance or higher. Any testing on SCPA-EN-00355 must be done in a secure testing chamber. Any attempts to open SCPA-EN-00355 must be done under the supervision of at least two Level 3 personnel.
SCPA-EN-00355 is a brass key measuring 11 cm in length and 3.5 cm in width, with a single tooth measuring 2 cm in length. The tooth of SCPA-EN-00355 is unusually sharp and durable. A keychain with a small tag attached to it that bears the inscription "Property of Abigail Wilson" was found with SCPA-EN-00355.
Upon testing, SCPA-EN-00355 has been discovered to have multiple access levels. With each use and successful unlock, the key will modify itself to create a new tooth capable of unlocking a different lock. The new tooth will be an exact copy of the key required for that lock. SCPA-EN-00355 is not limited to locks with a keyhole, as it has been known to unlock combination locks as well.
However, SCPA-EN-00355's anomalous properties do not stop there. The key has been observed to unlock doors that are non-anomalous without leaving any physical damage on the lock despite the lack of an actual lock mechanism.
Attempts to observe and analyze the process by which SCPA-EN-00355 creates a new tooth have been unsuccessful as no mechanical device or process has been observed.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00355 was recovered from the home of the late Abigail Wilson, who was rumored to possess anomalous objects. It is suspected that Abigail Wilson had a direct involvement with the creation or modification of SCPA-EN-00355.
SCPA-EN-00355 Testing Log
Classification level:
Level 2
Personnel are required to safeguard SCPA-EN-00355 carefully as it has an unknown possibility of creating new teeth based on the locks it encounters. Extreme caution must be observed during handling or testing to prevent SCPA-EN-00355 from unlocking any door that presents a security risk.
Record #:
Test Log-SCPA-EN-00355
Dr. ████ ██████
Dr. ███████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00355 "The Cryptic Key: Anomalous Artifact with Multiple Access Levels"
Additional research is underway...
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