SCPA-EN-00309 "The Clockwork Cavern"
SCPA-EN-00309 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00309
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00309 is to be contained at its present location, which is a cavern located in [REDACTED], Italy. All entrances to the cavern have been sealed with reinforced steel and surrounded by a Class-C Refractive Tripwire Network. Minimum of two armed security staff in the form of standard Mobile Task Force units authorized for underground operations are to be posted at the site at all times. No personnel below Level-3 clearance are permitted to enter SCPA-EN-00309 without approval from at least two Level-3 personnel.
SCPA-EN-00309 is a natural-looking cave system that is completely mechanical. SCPA-EN-00309 is highly complex, with rotating gears, pistons, and mechanical linkages that are integrated into the rock of the cave walls. SCPA-EN-00309 does not operate on any power sources and its machinery appears to be perpetually in motion. The mechanism produces cogent sound, believed to be described as "ticks" or "groans" created from the workings of its mechanisms.
SCPA-EN-00309 maintains a constant temperature of approximately 21°C (70°F) and a relative humidity of 72%. The Cavern is highly-resistant to attempts to map its internal structure, the mechanizations and tunnels. Due to its highly interactive nature with SCPA-EN-00309's mechanical inner workings, attempts to explore the interior with their own illumination, heat, or tactile senses with personnel taken, extending to them being absorbed by the SCPA-EN-00309's mechanical structure as a power source. The precise details on the parameters and triggers that which would allow such an event needing further inquiry.
SCPA-EN-00309 has been observed exhibiting activity which can only be described as sentient behavior. SCPA-EN-00309 has repeatedly shown a preference for particular set patterns of exploration and sometimes goes to great lengths to avoid other patterns. While the reasoning for SCPA-EN-00309's preference for certain patterns is currently unknown, It has been observed that the SCPA-EN-00309 will react when humans speak in the vicinity. The mechanical actions of the SCPA-EN-00309 appearing to respond to conversation as if they could understand, although such action could be elementary in nature to perform pre-programmed actions.
SCPA-EN-00309 was discovered during a sinkhole-ridden landscape that had appeared since the construction of [REDACTED]. SCPA-EN-00309 came to the Foundation's attention after local authorities described the area was undergoing severe structural instability. Foundation agents investigating the area noticed unusual sounds emanating from under the unstable area's ground, leading to the discovery of the SCPA-EN-00309 structure.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00309 was found to be anomalous and possibly formed through anomalous means, potentially existing for at least three millennia, judging from the layers of concentric rings around it's central chamber. Researchers who studied SCPA-EN-00309 have ruled out that the SCPA-EN-00309's mechanisms are responsive to geological activity, such as earthquakes or other natural disasters.
Site Director [REDACTED]'s Personal Log. (See Addendum SCPA-EN-00309-1)
Classification level:
All personnel must be properly briefed on SCPA-EN-00309's special properties and must undergo rigorous physical and psychological profiling before being allowed to enter the cavern for any reason (See Addendum SCPA-EN-00309-2). Any personnel who violate safety protocols or behave recklessly are subject to immediate disciplinary action.
Record #:
Incident Report SCPA-EN-00309-01
Dr. [REDACTED], Researcher
Site Director [REDACTED]
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00309 "The Clockwork Cavern"
Additional research is underway...
Survey Date 2025/1/4 05:42
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