SCPA-EN-00176 "The Haunted Agave Plant"
SCPA-EN-00176 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00176
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00176 is to be contained in a standard containment unit at Site-██. The containment unit must be located indoors in a temperature range of 18-24°C and have access to natural sunlight. SCPA-EN-00176 is not to be kept near other plant life. Personnel must wear hazmat suits and gloves when handling SCPA-EN-00176 to avoid exposure to SCPA-EN-00176-1.
SCPA-EN-00176 is a specimen of the Agave americana plant which grew in a residential garden in Monterrey, Mexico. SCPA-EN-00176 is approximately 12 years old and measures 1.5 meters in height. SCPA-EN-00176 displays no anomalous properties when observed but is said to exhibit paranormal activity and extraordinary abilities.
SCPA-EN-00176 releases a toxin from its leaves identified as SCPA-EN-00176-1. SCPA-EN-00176-1 is deadly to all forms of plant life and can be fatal to animals if ingested in large amounts. It has no effect on humans if ingested, but prolonged exposure leads to nausea and high fever.
SCPA-EN-00176 is said to communicate with humans through a series of knocks of varying rhythms and frequencies. The knocks appear to be Morse Code but to date have not been fully deciphered.
SCPA-EN-00176 has been connected with a series of poltergeist activity seen occurring within the confinement room when it is left in the room alone. This includes the sound of footsteps, whispered voices, items being moved, footsteps sounding like they are walking towards or circling the plant, all occur without an observable source.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00176 displays no anomalous properties under direct observation but is rumored to have extraordinary abilities outside the confines of scientific consensus. SCPA-EN-00176 has been linked to weird occurrences of paranormal activity in proximity to its claimed sightings. Review of archive data reveals that three individuals have reportedly witnessed SCPA-EN-00176’s manifestation and communicated with the entity through the aforementioned Morse Code-like series of knocks.
- Interview with ████, who claimed to have encountered SCPA-EN-00176. July 22, 20██
- Incident Report 00176-4, containment breach on May 3, 20██
Classification level:
Top Secret
Any staff found encouraging communication with SCPA-EN-00176 without proper authorisation will face disciplinary action including loss of clearance and demotion.
Record #:
Experiment Log 00176, Incident Report 00176-4
Dr. ███████ █████, Researcher, SCPA-EN-00176
Dr. ████████, Site Director, Site ██
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00176 "The Haunted Agave Plant"
Additional research is underway...
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