SCPA-EN-00085 "The Dream Weaver"
SCPA-EN-00085 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00085
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00085 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell at Site-███. The chamber in which SCPA-EN-00085 is contained must be subject to 24-hour surveillance via closed-circuit video monitoring, and must include a standard-issue observation window constructed with at least 50 cm of reinforced, one-way glass. Security personnel staffed to SCPA-EN-00085 must be in teams of at least two and maintain a presence outside of SCPA-EN-00085's chamber at all times.
Once SCPA-EN-00085 enters a REM cycle, it enters the dreams of individuals within a 30-meter radius of its location. It is capable of manifesting in any form within the confines of the dream, taking on the persona or appearance of anyone, anything, or nothing at all. While SCPA-EN-00085's ability to manipulate the content of dreams is significant, it is not capable of manipulating the dreamer's subconsciousness. Additionally, due to SCPA-EN-00085's insatiable desire to continue experiencing new and unique dreams, it will use its ability to implant its own subconscious desires and thoughts in the dreamer, leading to potential long-term psychological damage.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00085 was originally discovered by Foundation operatives following a series of mental breakdowns and suicides affecting several dozen individuals across a two-mile radius in rural ███████, ███████. After containment, SCPA-EN-00085 appeared in the dreams of Foundation personnel responsible for its containment, leading to five unauthorized breaches and the death of two operatives.
Document 00085-1: Interview with Dr. ██████ regarding Incident 00085-A
Document 00085-2: Re-classification proposal for SCPA-EN-00085 from Safe to Keter
Classification level:
LEVEL 4 - Foundation Staff Only
All personnel scheduled for SCPA-EN-00085 containment and monitoring must undergo mandatory psychological evaluations and interviews with Dr. ██████.
Record #:
Incident Report 00085-A
Dr. ███████, Senior Researcher
Dr. ██████, Site Director
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00085 "The Dream Weaver"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
The SCPA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use of this document.