SCPA-EN-00272 "The Phantom Phone Booth"
SCPA-EN-00272 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00272
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00272 should be contained within a standard anomalous object locker at Site-17. Access to SCPA-EN-00272 is restricted to Level 2 personnel or higher and may only be granted with the explicit authorization of at least one Level 3 personnel.
SCPA-EN-00272 is to be removed from its locker only for testing and as part of properly supervised containment procedures. Testing may only be conducted with the supervision of at least one Level 3 personnel and all testing areas must be equipped with soundproofing materials to prevent possible information hazards.
Any personnel who believe that they have had contact with SCPA-EN-00272 should report it to their Supervisor and undergo observation for signs of subsequent changes in their behavior or personnel records.
SCPA-EN-00272 is a vintage British phone booth found in ████████, England. It appears to have been constructed sometime in the late 1930s or early 1940s and bears the logo of the British Post Office on its doors.
Like an ordinary phone booth, SCPA-EN-00272 is fully functional and is supplied with a coin-operated payphone. However, when activated, SCPA-EN-00272 does not connect to any conventional telephone network, and its interior is anomalously expanded to become a spacious, soundproofed area.
The interior of SCPA-EN-00272 is decorated with plush red fabric on the walls and ceiling, with a black rotary dial telephone mounted on one of the walls. When the telephone is answered inside SCPA-EN-00272, the subject will hear a voice on the other end regardless of the phone's initial location.
The voice on the other end is always the same and is later designated SCPA-EN-00272-1. This voice is described as male, middle-aged, and with a smooth, reassuring British accent. The voice claims to be the operator of an alternate dimension phone network, accessible through SCPA-EN-00272.
There is no evidence that SCPA-EN-00272-1 poses any direct threat to personnel, but all interactions with it should be approached with caution due to potential memetic hazards.
Additional Information:
SCPA-EN-00272 has shown no signs of wear or damage during containment, indicating that it may be self-regenerating or protected by an anomalous effect against damage.
SCPA-EN-00272 has been found to affect personnel behavior in a way similar to SCPA-981 "Summer of '76". Personnel who enter SCPA-EN-00272 are recorded to leave in a calm, composed state, with some personnel even reporting feelings of serenity and emotional relief.
SCPA Foundation. SCPA-981 "Summer of '76". Available at http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-981
Classification level:
Personnel are reminded not to enter SCPA-EN-00272 under any circumstances without proper supervision and approval to prevent possible information hazards.
Record #:
Experiment Log SCPA-EN-00272
Dr. ███████
Dr. ████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00272 "The Phantom Phone Booth"
Additional research is underway...
This document was created as a report on strange beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation, generated by artificial intelligence.
The contents and images described in this document are fictional and are not related to any real individuals or organizations. The SCPA Foundation aims to provide knowledge to the general public about abnormal beings and phenomena handled by the SCPA Foundation by publishing this document.
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