SCPA-EN-00307 "The Phantom Limb Parasite"
SCPA-EN-00307 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00307
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00307 is to be contained in a standard biohazard containment unit at Biological Site-66. To prevent the spread of the parasite, all personnel in contact with SCPA-EN-00307 must wear Level D hazmat suits until thorough decontamination procedures have been completed. All waste material must be disposed of according to Hazardous Biological Waste Guidelines.
SCPA-EN-00307 is a parasitic organism that invades living hosts and causes the sensation that a phantom limb is still attached to the body. The parasite can infect mammals, including humans. It is capable of spreading through direct contact with infected tissues or bodily fluids.
Once SCPA-EN-00307 has successfully infected a host, it begins to manipulate the body to allow the parasite to reside in such tact for as long as possible. The parasite grows a miniature version of itself within the host’s body, which either attaches itself to a nerve ending near the site of amputation or grows its own. This depends on how the parasitized organism individually responds to the parasite. Those who experience phantom limb syndrome after amputation are more susceptible to this infection. SCPA-EN-00307 can manipulate these nerves to cause sensations of the missing limb.
In order to avoid detection, SCPA-EN-00307 has evolved to mimic the host's DNA, remaining mostly undetected. It’s invisible to all forms of imaging and detection since it grows nerves and tissues that match that of its host, using its host’s resources to sustain itself.
Additional Information:
In the case where the host-parasite relationship should get disrupted, for example, by the amputation of the host or removal of the parasite, the organism will grow at a very rapid pace, attached to the closest available point on the host’s body. The attachment site can lead to new and unusual growth of nerve connections. The parasite will continue to grow until it reaches a point where it can no longer sustain life, leading the host to often die shortly after severing the parasite, but still experiencing pain on the phantom limb.
SCPA-EN-00307 does not appear to display any other strange or paranormal behavior.
- Dr. ███████’s Paper on "Phantom Limbs and the Role mental states play in recovery of sensation."
- M. S. Ramachandran, “The Phantom Limb: Neurocalifications of Body Image and Consciousness,” Archives of Neurology, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 04–807, 2004.
Classification level:
Classified as Level 2.
All personnel interacting with SCPA-EN-00307 must follow Hazmat safety protocols. SCPA-EN-00307 is not allowed to be removed from the Biological Site without permission from Level 3 Clearance Director.
Record #:
Dr. ███████
Dr. ██████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00307 "The Phantom Limb Parasite"
Additional research is underway...
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