SCPA-EN-00074 "The Dream Catcher"
SCPA-EN-00074 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00074
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00074 is to be contained in a standard anomalous object locker. Access to SCPA-EN-00074 requires a Level 2 clearance and authorization from at least two Site personnel. All testing involving SCPA-EN-00074 must be conducted under the supervision of at least one security personnel.
SCPA-EN-00074 is a white and gold dream catcher measuring approximately 14 cm in diameter. When a person is sleeping within a 10 meter radius of SCPA-EN-00074, their dreams will become vivid and lucid. Subjects report that they are able to manipulate their dreams at will, and that their dreams feel real. This effect will persist for as long as the subject remains within the 10-meter range of SCPA-EN-00074.
However, SCPA-EN-00074 also has a negative side effect on the user. After waking up from a dream influenced by SCPA-EN-00074, subjects report experiencing insomnia and sleep paralysis, and are unable to fall back asleep. If the subject continues to use SCPA-EN-00074 for extended periods of time, they will begin to suffer from severe sleep deprivation.
Additional Information:
The origins of SCPA-EN-00074 are unknown. The object was found abandoned in a hotel room in [REDACTED]. Upon discovery, the object was reported to emit a faint humming sound. It is believed that the object may have been intentionally left behind by a previous owner.
- Incident Report 00074-A
Classification level:
Top Secret
SCPA-EN-00074 is not to be used for personal gain or recreational purposes. Use of SCPA-EN-00074 for extended periods of time is strictly prohibited.
Record #:
Experiment Log 00074
Dr. ████████
Site Director ███████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00074 "The Dream Catcher"
Additional research is underway...
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