SCPA-EN-00094 "The Chromatic Plague"
SCPA-EN-00094 Report
Item #: SCPA-EN-00094
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCPA-EN-00094 is to be contained in a sealed, air-tight chamber with walls lined with lead. Any individuals entering the chamber must be equipped with full-body hazardous material suits, gloves, and boots. SCPA-EN-00094 should not come into contact with any biological material, living or dead, nor should it be exposed to any inorganic materials which are not immediately incinerated. Any and all waste material generated by SCPA-EN-00094 and its recovery efforts must also be incinerated. SCPA-EN-00094 has been classified as a Type Green biological hazard and all research must be carried out remotely via video monitoring.
SCPA-EN-00094, also known as "The Chromatic Plague", is a microscopic bacteria-like organism that causes rapid and violent color changes in living and non-living organic matter. SCPA-EN-00094 was first discovered in the Amazon rainforest after an outbreak in 19██ that resulted in the deaths of approximately 3,500 people. SCPA-EN-00094 is capable of entering a host organism and splicing itself into the host's DNA, causing the host to replicate the bacteria's genetic material and spread it to its surrounding environment. SCPA-EN-00094 can also survive without a host, spreading to different surfaces and mutating rapidly.
SCPA-EN-00094 is exceedingly contagious and can easily be spread through the air, water, and physical contact, making it a potential threat to all organic life. Initial symptoms include sudden color changes in skin or fur, followed by rapid mutation and decomposition until the infected organism is entirely consumed by SCPA-EN-00094, leaving no viable tissue behind.
SCPA-EN-00094 is impervious to antibiotics and standard methods of sterilization. It has proven resistant to many common disinfectants and must be incinerated to prevent its spread.
Additional Information:
Research into SCPA-EN-00094 is ongoing, and there is currently no known cure or treatment. Studies of SCPA-EN-00094 have shown that higher oxygen levels can accelerate its spread, and higher temperatures can slow it down. SCPA-EN-00094 is only known to be active in the Amazon rainforest.
Document-EN-00094: "Incident Report: Outbreak and Containment of SCPA-EN-00094 in the Amazon Rainforest"
Document-EN-00094-B: "Research into the Effects of Oxygen and Temperature on SCPA-EN-00094"
Classification level:
Top Secret
All personnel must practice extreme caution when researching SCPA-EN-00094. Any potential exposure must be reported immediately to the on-site biohazard team.
Record #:
Incident Report-EN-00094
Dr. ███████
Site Director ████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00094 "The Chromatic Plague"
Additional research is underway...
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