SCPA-EN-00135 "The Primordial Cavern"
SCPA-EN-00135 Report
Item#: SCPA-EN-00135
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
Due to its location, SCPA-EN-00135 is currently inaccessible to Foundation personnel. However, Foundation-operated surveillance equipment is in place to monitor the area surrounding SCPA-EN-00135. Any individuals attempting to access the site are to be apprehended, amnesticized, and released. Due to the hazardous nature of SCPA-EN-00135, no expeditions into the cave system are permitted at this time.
SCPA-EN-00135 is a large limestone cave system, located in an uncharted region of the South Pacific Ocean. The cave entrance is difficult to locate and is hidden behind a waterfall, making it virtually impossible to find without prior knowledge of its location.
SCPA-EN-00135 is unlike any known cave system on Earth. It contains a wide variety of extraordinary geological formations, including stalactites and stalagmites several meters in diameter, an underground river, mineral lakes, and several large chambers, the largest of which is approximately 300 meters in length and 100 meters in width.
Despite the presence of the underground river and multiple mineral lakes, SCPA-EN-00135 is completely devoid of any known fauna or flora, even microorganisms.
The most notable aspect of SCPA-EN-00135 is the presence of two monolithic pillars at the far end of the largest chamber. These pillars are made of an unknown black stone, and bear a series of intricate carvings, which appear to depict ancient religious or mythological scenes. Despite extensive analysis, no known tools or techniques have been found that could have been used to create these carvings.
Furthermore, SCPA-EN-00135 appears to emit a low-level radiation that fluctuates over time. The exact source of this radiation is currently unknown.
Additional Information:
Exploration attempts into SCPA-EN-00135 have been met with varying degrees of success. Several expeditions have been sent to study the site, but all have resulted in either an inability to locate the entrance or termination due to unforeseen circumstances.
It is rumored that SCPA-EN-00135 holds mystical or otherworldly properties, which may be responsible for the strange occurrences and radiation. However, these claims are unsubstantiated and fall outside the scope of Foundation research.
SCPA-XXXX Containment Breach Report - Incident XX
Classification level:
Level 3 (Secret)
Access to SCPA-EN-00135 is forbidden without Level 3 authorization. All attempts to infiltrate the site should be reported to the head of containment immediately.
Record #:
Exploration Log SCPA-EN-00135
Dr. ███████
Site Director ████████████
Additional research into SCPA-EN-00135 "The Primordial Cavern"
Additional research is underway...
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